Our Girl

This was posted to my blog two years ago. I thought I’d repost today in light of  an event that just happened in my life that I want to share with you. 

I have a friend who I’ve known since we were six years old and just starting school. We became best friends in a playground tussle over a boy and over the last 39 years we have shared triumph and tragedy together. No matter how long it’s been since we were together we immediately pick up where we left off. You know best friends.

Almost 19 years ago she was blessed with the ability to adopt a beautiful baby girl, whom she named Jessica Lea.

On Monday, February 13, 2012 her baby girl was tragically killed in a car vs. bicycle accident.  The pain she feels I cannot know. The unbelievable anguish she is going through just serves as a reminder of how much I love my own daughter, who is just a very few months younger than Jess was. So today I repost this in memory of Jessica, and to remind my daughter just how precious her life is to me.  

Our Girl

Our daughter… what can I say about this sweet, loving, girl?
She’s just 16 and sometimes I think I can see the wisdom of the ages in her sweet eyes as they cloud over with thought or emotion.
What a tender hearted girl she is…

Our girl loves her daddy… in fact, she’s the epitome of ‘daddy’s girl‘.

She can be devastatingly beautiful…

Yet, still a child at heart…

She can be a ‘tom-boy’ when the occasion calls for it…

Sometimes she even makes it to the TOP of the tree…

She cooks, even when the kitchen remodel was in full swing!

and, she loves her pets…

All around, she is a pretty awesome kid!
I wanted to take the time to post, and let her know how much she means to me… I may not say it often enough, and sometimes I may seem like I’m not paying attention — but I do love you baby girl, very much! My life would not be complete had you not come into it – and while you are not of my flesh and blood, you ARE my daughter, and that will never change. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to love you!


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